Who Is Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca? The Dead Woman Who Banged On Her Own Coffin

Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca is a young Peruvian woman who slammed her coffin during her funeral service, which shocked her family.

Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca was engaged in an accident in late April and was subsequently proved dead, forcing the family to proceed with the funeral and burial procedures.

Rosa’s family came together in Lambayeque on April 26 to pay their respects.

Watch: Dead Woman Bangs On Her Own Coffin

It was during her funeral that Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca’s coffin door was opened because she was making a sound. Rosa seemed to be able to open her eyes and show “vital signs,” which people didn’t expect to see.

Officers move her coffin through the crowd in a Metro video of the event. After this, doctors are seen in the next video as they stand over Callaca, who is unconscious.

In the cemetery, Juan Segundo Cajo told the reporters that Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca had opened her eyes and started to sweat. Juan went to my office and called 911.

Referential Hospital Ferrenafe took Rosa to the hospital. She was put on life support and kept alive. After a few hours, she died. She had shown signs of minor recovery.

The body of Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca came back to life at her funeral

People in Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca’s family were shocked when she came back to life during her funeral. Callaca was still in her casket when her family took her to Lambayeque’s Referential Hospital Ferrenafe. Her family was shocked to see her still in the casket.

She was found to have faint signs of life when she arrived at the hospital. She was hooked up to a life-support machine by medics.

Rosa’s health, on the other hand, got worse, and she died a few hours later. Rosa’s family, which had to say goodbye to her twice, is now looking for an answer.

If Callaca wasn’t properly checked out by the hospital before she was sent to the morgue, her family wants to know. They think she was unconscious when she was sent there.

Peruvian police are now looking into what happened at the Lambayeque Regional Hospital, where Rosa was first treated, that led to her death.

Callaca’s three nephews, who were also hurt in the accident, are said to be getting better in the hospital, but they are still in critical condition.

Tweets and Reddit posts about the funeral video

On Twitter and Reddit, Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca’s video of her being pronounced alive after knocking on her own coffin has been seen by a lot of people.

People were wondering if Rosa’s video was real or fake, but it was found out that the video did in fact come from real people.

Rosa’s family will not let this matter go and has asked that the event be looked into by the authorities because she showed signs of being alive while being buried.

People who saw the video were also shocked and amazed. They started looking for more information about the video and Rosa, the woman who was still alive, after they saw it.

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