Torben Sondergaard: Why Was The Evangelist Arrested?

Torben Sondergaard: Why Was The Evangelist Arrested?

As a national threat for bringing firearms into the country, Torben Sondergaard was detained. He avoided being arrested in 2019.

Sondergaard claims to be an apostle and healer of the faith. The elitist claims to have personal relationships with God and to regularly receive divine visions.

In 2011, he started the evangelical Christian movement known as The Last Reformation. Sondergaard contends that immersing kids in wheelie bins can treat autism and believes it is brought on by demonic possession.

What Did Torben Sondergaard Do To Be Arrested In Florida And Why?

On July 4, 2022, Torben Sndergaard was detained for smuggling firearms into Mexico. Although nothing has been confirmed as of yet, some publications claim the charges are untrue.

Denmark was home to Sondergaard. Politicians in the nation made the decision to pursue Torben and bring legal action against him in 2019. He discreetly boarded a plane to the United States after learning this.

He formed a new, comparable company there as well. Sondergaard has not suffered any repercussions despite the fact that many people, churches, and the media have spoken out against him.

They claim that Torben Sndergaard was smuggling firearms into Mexico, which is why he was wrongfully detained in Florida. He is a Christian who was expelled from Denmark. He as well as all Christians are feared by them.

In the US, worries are currently expanding. The Last Reformation’s board member claimed that the movement’s methods and leadership have gotten extremist. But Torben ignored the criticism.

InsideOut, a Danish anti-cult organization, has issued a warning against him. According to the chairman, Sondergaard, sinners have been purified through forceful exorcisms. He apparently also mistreats his supporters.

Torben Sondergaard, is he incarcerated?

The FBI and Homeland Security reportedly apprehended Torben Sondergaard. The cleric is incarcerated in Florida.

In 2019, he and his family applied for asylum in the US after he narrowly evaded incarceration in his native nation.

The Danish government sent video cameras and undercover reporters to catch him after he eluded law enforcement. God’s Best Children, a documentary, was broadcast a few years later.

Fitness, Family, Freedom, and Faith

Prayer Request: Torben Sondergaard, the founder of The Last Reformation, has been detained in the US after being wrongly accused of smuggling weapons. We are aware that, like Jesus, we will face persecution for upholding righteousness, but let’s pray for Torben and his family that everything turns out well.

Torben was shown to be a liar and a violent person. When the public saw his genuine identity, many called for an investigation.

In September 2019, Sondergaard moved to North Carolina. He is getting Noah’s Ark ready. He employs clichés like, “Pray if you are one of the animals (people) God is calling for financial assistance.”

Torben was on a journey throughout America in August 2020 because God had commanded him to. He denounces COVID-19 as having a socialist goal that restricts people’s freedom.

Family Members Of Torben Sondergaard

Lene and Torben Sondergaard have been together for more than 24 years and are married.

At a significant Christian concert, the pair came into contact for the first time. According to Torben, when he was there, God told him to turn around because his future wife was waiting for him.

Sondergaard turned his head and spotted Lene. Three months later, they reconnected, and a few years later, they got married.

Three children were raised by Torben and Lene. They now have grandchildren. He sent a message on Facebook wishing Lene a happy 40th birthday and saying, “I thank God for her; she is a great blessing.”

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