The Gray Man ending explained: What happened to Six?

The Gray Man, Netflix’s blockbuster action-thriller, came out everywhere on July 22, 2022.

The ending of the movie left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, from critics to people who saw it. Some people thought it was too boring for a Russo brother to direct, while others praised how big the production and cast were.

Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, two of Hollywood’s top stars, led the cast. Ana de Armas, Regé-Jean Page, Billy Bob Thornton, Jessica Henwick, Dhanush, and Alfre Woodard were also in the movie.

The Gray Man is based on Mark Greaney’s book of the same name. It is the first of a series of 10 books. The movie did a good job of establishing Gosling as the title character, a CIA agent. He could be the face of a whole franchise if the Russo brothers decide to make their own universe like Bourne or John Wick.

The Gray Man is an espionage thriller that takes place all over the world and has one dangerous mission after another.

The first scene of The Gray Man showed Court Gentry, played by Ryan Gosling and later called “Six,” sitting in a prison and being recruited by Billy Bob Thornton’s character Fitzroy to be a top-secret level special ops agent.

Fitzroy asked him to do covert and gray area missions for the agency while having no identity and being completely disposable in exchange for shortening his sentence.

Six made the decision easily because he had no family or friends to go back to. Claire, who was Fitzroy’s niece, was the only person he was close to in a way that made him feel something.

Even though Six was a hired killer, the plot showed that he had a lot of honor. This may have been a way to set him apart from Chris Evans’ sociopathic mercenary, who also did things that were not black and white.

On one of his missions in Bangkok, Six found out that the person he was supposed to kill was a former criminal named Four who had been hired by Fitzroy. Before he died, Four gave a locket to Six and told him why the CIA was after him.

It turned out that the new group leader, Denny Carmichael (Regé-Jean Page), had a lot to hide. The evidence of his wrongdoing was in a thumb drive inside that locket.

Carmichael hired Lloyd Hansen, a former operative who had lost his mind and was now working as a mercenary, to get the thumb drive and make sure none of Fitzroy’s men caused problems for the agency.

Hansen’s entry set the tone for the rest of the movie, with guns going off wherever Six went and uniformed soldiers attacking other uniformed soldiers without thinking.

People were shot in the middle of Prague’s city center, and a plane blew up in the air. All the fireworks in The Gray Man were too much for the senses.

In the end, Six had to do two things: save himself from Hansen’s tricks and get Fitzroy and Claire out of Hansen’s custody. Dani, played by Ana de Armas, was also a CIA agent, but she was on the right side of the game and had morals.

After getting away from a lot of army men, Dhanush’s Lone Wolf was the last thing Six and Dani had to deal with. He was able to get the “asset” back to Hansen, but Six and Dani’s gunfire and missiles stopped the handoff.

At some point, the Lone Wolf had a sudden change of heart and decided to fight for the right thing. He gave Dani the locket.

The end of The Gray Man: Two of Hollywood’s hottest men who played bad guys had to fight.

In order to get Fitzroy and his niece out of Hansen’s plan, Dani helped Six distract Hansen’s team by setting off a lot of explosions.

While that was going on, Six got them out of Hansen’s custody and was getting them to safety when the mercenary figured out what they were up to and went after the three.

Fitzroy was shot, so he told Six to take his niece away while he and Hansen’s men bravely blew themselves up. Six was almost free when Hansen caught Claire and held her as a hostage. He then led them both into a maze. When they were found, Six agreed to dance the tango with Hansen if he let Claire go.

Hansen was killed when Suzanne Brewer, who worked for Jessica Henwick, shot him in the head. She said she would keep Claire safe and let Six live if he agreed with her story that Hansen was behind all the damage the CIA had done in Hansen’s name.

In the last scene of The Gray Man, Carmichael destroys the thumb drive, and both Brewer and Carmichael are let off the hook for all the damage they caused. Then they set out to find Six. Six was able to get away from Langley, and he was shown getting to the safehouse where Claire was being kept.

As she said earlier in the movie, now that Fitzroy was dead, Six was the only person who felt like family to her. In a nod to the babysitting scene, Six wrote her a note telling her to play the music they had shared while he killed the men guarding the safehouse.

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