Robin Giarrusso (Judge) of Civil District Court Decision On Abortion Law , New Orleans

Robin Giarrusso is a judge for Division G of the Orleans Parish Civil District Court in Louisiana. She is on the job until December 31, 2026.

After the US Supreme Court ruled against Roe v. Wade, a court in Louisiana stopped a bill on Monday that would have made abortions illegal in the state.
Some states, like Louisiana, have “trigger legislation” that would take effect if the important 1973 decision was ever overturned.
After the Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional, conservative states with similar laws have already started to limit abortions in some or almost all ways.
Judge Robin Giarrusso, on the other hand, sided with abortion providers in Louisiana on Monday, at least temporarily. These providers had filed a lawsuit, saying that a quick state ban violated their right to due process.

Who is Robin Giarrusso?

Robin M. Giarrusso is the senior judge at the Orleans Parish Civil District Court. Her bio says that she was Chief Judge of the Court from 1998 to 2000.
The Louisiana Supreme Court set up the Judiciary Commission of Louisiana, and Judge Giarrusso was its chair during the last year of her term.
In the same way, Giarrusso got her J.D. from the Tulane University Law School in 1977 after getting her B.A. in political science from Tulane University in 1974.
Giarrusso worked as a contract and public bid lawyer in the City Attorney’s office before he was elected to the Orleans Parish Judicial District.
She was also the first person to get the Michelle Pitard Wynne Professionalism Award from the New Orleans Association for Women Attorneys.

What did Judge Robin Giarrusso have to say about the offensive abortion law?

Judge Robin Giarrusso of Orleans Parish said she would hold another hearing in a month before deciding whether to extend the current stay.
The Louisiana trigger law doesn’t make any exceptions for rape or incest, and it only allows abortions when the mother’s life is in danger.
Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, each state can now make its own laws about abortion. This takes away the federal right to an abortion law.
Thirteen states, including Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee, have passed laws that ban abortions for up to 30 days after Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Also, people who get caught having an illegal abortion could be fined or put in jail.

Robin Giarrusso’s husband & party

Joe Giarrusso Jr., who was the son of the previous police chief and a member of the city council, was married to Judge Robin Giarrusso. He was also a well-known lawyer in New Orleans and a former judge. His body was found at his home in Algiers with a gunshot wound that he had given himself, according to the Orleans Parish coroner.
In 2012, the police called the 3500 block of Inwood Avenue in the Tall Timbers neighbourhood. Giarusso, who is 60 years old, used to be an assistant US attorney and an assistant district attorney for Orleans.
Also, after the main election was cancelled on November 3, 2020, Robin Giarrusso, a member of the Democratic Party, was re-elected as the Division G judge of the Orleans Parish Civil District Court in Louisiana.

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