Quandale Dingle: Is he dead? Internet prank exposed

As Quandale Dingle’s popularity on TikTok has grown, internet users are now spreading allegations that the adolescent who became an instant hit as a meme has passed away.

On the video-sharing website, a video with over three million views has gone viral, alleging that the online sensation has passed away. But it’s safe to conclude that it’s just an online fake. Dingle is still alive.

After a video of the child went viral in 2021, Generation Z got fixated with him. Many people saw the name on the back of the football player’s jersey when they saw him on the field. Later, Quandale Dingle rose to fame on the internet.

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Quandale Dingle engaged in excessive trolling.
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This week, a video surfaced online with the assertion that the New Jersey native had passed away. A user on TikTok by the name of jaisvideos produced one of the many videos lamenting his passing. A poster of the high school football player with a halo surrounding his head and his head bent may be seen in the video.

Additionally, the video’s text states:

They are all dying, rip quandale dingle. Due to s**cide, Quandale Dingle passed away at the age of 419.
Others who used the same poster and cried hysterically shared their own videos. Following are some of the responses to the video:

Internet users respond to a video allegedly showing Quandale Dingle dead.

Did Quandale Dingle actually pass away? Rumor on TikTok refuted

Online sources assert that Dingle is still alive, although there is no supporting documentation. It’s also critical to be aware that there is still no information accessible on the football player.

Although he is a meme online, his social media accounts are not accessible.

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Check out this quandale dingle on Twitter

It is safe to assume that the story was made up by online users since no reputable publication has reported on the death of the internet celebrity.

Numerous celebrities have fallen victim to these death hoaxes in recent years. Justin Timberlake, Tom Hanks, Avril Lavigne, and even Jaden Smith are just a handful of the numerous celebrities.

Everything you need to know about the online phenomenon

Dingle, a high school football player from Pennsauken, New Jersey, acquired popularity after being recognised by a TikTok user, according to KnowYourMeme. The latter found the word “Dingle” was written on the back of his jersey after recording a YouTube video of his squad.

Dingle appeared in the earliest video, which was published on September 13, 2021. Quandale Dingle’s name was put beneath a video of a Windows PC login that was posted to TikTok by user asapfeet.

The now-viral photo of him still has distortion, and it appears that the athlete would prefer to keep his identity and appearance a secret.

The child, who has since gained notoriety as a meme, is still known as a high school athlete. A netizen, though, asserted that Dingle had earned a degree.

An image of Dingle’s name written on a piece of paper was posted on TikTok by user goofygoober793 on June 18, 2022. The principal then announces Dingle’s name on stage, and Dingle moves toward him to get his diploma. In just five days, the video had received over seven million views.

It is clear that internet users are big fans of the teen. It is understandable that internet users are spreading false information about him given his burgeoning popularity online.

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