Kelsey Jeter: What Happened To Her? Meet The Tragic Familly

Kelsey Jeter: What Happened To Her? The Death of Debra Jeter’s Daughter

Kelsey Jeter, a 12-year-old Hillsboro girl, was murdered on June 5, 2009, by her mother, Debra Jeter.

Regardless of the passage of time, the information and situation of Debra Jeter chopping her personal daughter’s neck is unsettling.

On June 5, 2009, at the age of 32, she slit the throats of each of her children at an abandoned home off Interstate 77 in Hillsboro, Texas. Debra Jeter was charged with violently assaulting her older daughter, Kiersten, in 2004, but the charges were withdrawn when she finished mental health treatment.

Kelsey, her 12-year-old daughter, was also brutally murdered with a knife in that incident.

Kiersten Jeter is a baseball player from the United States

Kelsey Jeter: What Happened To Her?

After being released from the hospital, Debra developed a plan to meet her two children, Kelsey and Kiersten, and drove them to an abandoned house off Interstate 77 just before Route 35 in Milford.

According to prior incidents, Jeter began by stabbing Kiersten in the abdomen with a knife. As she struggled with her mother, Kiersten yelled for her sibling to run. As a result, Debra’s attention turned away from Kiersten and toward Kelsey.

Kiersten was stabbed in the back while defending her sister. Kelsey died horribly after Debra cut her throat in the deserted house’s toilet.

Debra emerged and sliced Kiersten across the neck, destroying her airway and a major artery in the process. Kiersten was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery after being discovered in the deserted house’s bed room, and she survived.

Kelsey Jeter, Debra Jeter’s daughter, died

Kelsey Jeter, Debra Jeter’s daughter, died tragically when her mother stabbed her in the neck. Furthermore, the incident occurred two weeks after she was briefly imprisoned for attempting suicide in front of her two female companions.

Kiersten, the oldest daughter, suffered serious injuries as a result of the assault. Kiersten was discovered with a knife wound to her back and a slit neck, most likely as a result of her attempt to save her younger sister from the assault.

Kelsey stayed conscious and alive throughout her horrific accidents, pushing her mother to call for help. She, on the other hand, did not survive the ordeal.

Debra further justified her horrible actions by claiming that she was “heartbroken” as a result of her divorce and child custody dispute.

Kelsey Jeter’s Family Experiences Tragic Breakdown

Kelsey Jeter’s entire family of four vanished in an instant, and the 12-year-old died.

As previously said, her mother’s attempt at the heinous act was a reflection of her broken heart, which was unable to absorb the anguish she was feeling as a result of her divorce and child custody battle.

Lester Lee Jeter, Kelsey’s father, filed for divorce in May 2009 for unspecified reasons.

Meanwhile, Debra’s husband filed for divorce, obtained a temporary restraining order, and was awarded temporary custody of their two children while she was still in the hospital.

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