John Krasinki (rumored return as Dr Reed Richards): ‘Never got the vibe’, Fans says

One of the highlights of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” was John Krasinski’s brief appearance as Dr. Reed Richards. However, once speculations of his comeback in the officially confirmed “Fantastic 4” film circulated, there were unfavourable reactions.

Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), Captain Marvel (Lashana Lynch), Black Bolt (Anson Mount), and Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell) were all killed by Wanda Maximoff, and Krasinski’s character, Richards, was a member of the Illuminati (Elizabeth Olsen). The reactions on Twitter have been shockingly negative, despite the fact that the “Jack Ryan” actor’s return to the “Fantastic 4” franchise has not yet been formally confirmed. After filmmaker Sam Raima stated that the casting was done to fulfil fans’ fantasies of the real Reeds, rumours began to circulate.

“I still don’t understand why John Krasinski was chosen to play Reed Richards. Just a casting that I find absurd. Never felt anything being around him. One of those fan castings that seemed to have only been possible with Office fanatics, “a supporter wrote. Another person who commented, “John Krasinski is probably not coming back as 616 Reed & I’m cool with it,” echoed this.

“I won’t lie; I didn’t like that they chose to call him Mr. Fantastic. The actor John Krasinski simply didn’t convey the impression that the character should be the brightest person in the universe in his portrayal. He somewhat resembles Mr. Fantastic, but only slightly “Read one of the comments. “I, for one, am ecstatic that #Wanda killed off Mr. Fantastic in #MultiverseOfMadness as played by John Krasinski. Having said that. PLEASE consider William Jackson Harper to play the Fantastic Four’s primary Reed Richards in the MCU “read the tweet.

When the MCU ultimately releases F4/Reed, he should be a younger and more unknown actor to construct this legendary Marvel franchise around, one of the fans said. “This is all john krasinski should do in the MCU tbh, i’m even alright with him popping up again down the road,” another fan said. “I really hope that this phrase suggests that John Krasinski won’t be reprising his role as Mr. Fantastic. Please consider that casting to be a one-time fandom nod.” I adore John Krasinski just as much as the next guy, but his performance irked me because it was so monotonous.

I still don’t understand why John Krasinski was chosen to play Reed Richards. Just a casting that I find absurd. Never felt anything being around him. One of those fan castings that appears to have only been possible with Office fanatics.

Following the 2005 and 2007 duology and the lacklustre 2015 reboot starring Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan, the officially announced “Fantastic 4” will now be a further instalment. If Krasinki will play the same character in the following instalment, only time will tell.

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