Damaury Mikula Laced Mugshot and Jail Video Viral

Damaury Mikula, who frequently runs afoul of the law, is once more taken into custody for trespassing. Here is every detail about his most recent arrest.

The social media star Damaury Mikula, who was previously detained for speeding, was recently arrested, according to numerous reports circulating online.
His videos on his Tiktok account and YouTube channel are well-known. Due to his social media following, he is 19 years old and financially independent.
Mikula was active on social media platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter, but he hasn’t been there in more than a week, which has fanned recent rumours of his arrest.

Laced Mugshot And Jail Video Of Damaury Mikula

Despite the fact that Damaury Mikula is purportedly in jail, there is no jail video online at this time. He hasn’t been active on social media in a while, which supports the rumour that he’s behind bars.
We are unaware of the precise cause of his imprisonment, but we do know that it has to do with unlawful trespassing. He last posted a picture of himself and several friends drinking Fanta on Instagram on June 14.
His most recent Tiktok post was most likely made on June 13. Additionally, Mikula hasn’t been active on his social media platforms in over a week. The Florida Highway Patrol then pursued his car at a speed of approximately 100 mph.
When he was stopped at the State Road 54 crossroads, he was burning the tyres of a Dodge Challenger and performing a burnout next to a patrol car.
Even though he was aware that the police were chasing him due to the lights and siren, he continued driving past the red lights after winning the challenge. Instead, he continued on to his house.

Dope Use by Damaury Mikula

Damaury Mikula doesn’t seem to be involved in any drug-related offences, but others have conjectured that he might be given that he was once pulled over for speeding against a red light.
He was also seeing Destiny Akyla, a video creator, who was his girlfriend. Destiny and Damaury also have a beautiful daughter named Isabella Mikula.
He posted a picture of himself drinking Fanta with friends and his car to Instagram on June 14. His most recent Tiktok post was also published on June 13.
Damaury Mikula has been accused of reckless driving, highway racing, evading/running from the police, and neglecting the safety of persons or property.
However, he was eventually released on bail after being brought to the Pasco County Jail. On his damaurymikula TikTok account, the well-known social media personality posts amusing and lip-syncing videos.

Charges Against Damaury Mikula

Rumor has it that Damaury Mikula was imprisoned for illegal trespassing, and it is presumed that he is now behind bars. Mikula hasn’t been spotted on his social media accounts in a week.
Although neither Damaury nor the appropriate authorities have offered any additional information, it is presumed that he may be in jail given his lack of activity.
On his Instagram profile, Damaury routinely shares pictures of his adorable daughter. Isabella keeps a personal Instagram account with the username @isabella.mikula that is similar to this.
More than 4 million people follow Damaury Mikula on Tiktok, YouTube, and Instagram.
Over 700,000 people follow him on Instagram, and he has about 800,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel. He is well known for posting videos to the TikTok app under the pseudonym “damaurymikula.”

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