Amber Massey And Nanny Dana Schutz In A Drama, What Really Happened Between The Two?

It looks like things are not going well between influencer Amber Massey and her babysitter Dana Schultz. There is a drama going on between them, and people on the Internet want to know more about it.

Amber blogs, has a lot of followers, and has five kids. This is exactly how she says “hello” to people.

Amber Massey
Amber Massey

Amber Massey And Dana Schutz Drama

When Amber Massey’s kids were in Dana Schultz’s life, do you remember? How times change, and how highs and lows go together. Danny’s Instagram account is no longer being used, and her last post was on June 30. On the other hand, Amber has stopped following her, so her pictures are no longer on Amber’s Instagram account.

This is getting a lot of attention on Reddit, Twitter, and other social media sites. Everyone wants to know what went wrong between the two, but the more people talk about it, the more confused things get. People say that they may have signed an NDA, which is why no one has come forward to explain why they are so cold to each other.

People say that Dana quit nursing school to take care of Amber’s children, and that she did everything she could to raise them. Fans had noticed that Amber was always going out with other Instagram influencers and leaving her kids with the nanny. Many of them had also figured it out, but it is strange that Dana is no longer a Massey. She has actually quit social media for good at this point.

Reddit Discussions On Amber Massey And Dana Schutz Issue

On a random thread, someone asked what had happened between Amber and Dana to start a conversation. He wanted to know why they were no longer together on the Internet. He also says that Dana quit nursing school to work full-time for the Massey family. She used to do everything with them, but now she doesn’t.

There were a lot of comments, but most of them have been taken down. One of them talks back, “No one has said anything about this at all. I’m curious if she signed an NDA.”

In the same way, a Reddit thread makes fun of her for having fun with her friends and leaving her kids with her nanny. Influencer Madi Nelson was asked if she didn’t have any Internet friends and why she never went out to parties. She told him that she liked to spend time with her kids and that she didn’t feel right going on trips without them. The Redditor posts the screenshot and asks Amber if she could keep that in mind.

How did Amber Massey’s life turn out? New Arrests

A new Instagram account says, “Amber Massey was arrested on May 3, 2021, for family violence.” Several pieces of evidence show that she tried to hide the fact that she did something wrong.

The person in charge of the account also tries to get the brands that work with her to answer for their actions, but many of them have blocked it. So, the news hasn’t been confirmed yet, and the person who was trying to get it out seems to have given up.

Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Children, and Education

Amber Massey was born on September 28, 1984, in the United States. Amber comes from different places. Amber Massey is usually private about her family history, which is why she hasn’t talked about her parents until now. Since she was a child, Amber has felt very close to her family. Her love for her family is more important than anything else.

Amber Massey had a great childhood because her parents loved and cared for her a lot. They always took care of Amber’s needs so she could do what she wanted. In simple terms, Amber’s childhood played a big part in her success today.

Amber Massey
Amber Massey

Want to find the happy, healthy, and very busy Texas mom?

Well, Amber Massey is the stylish, jazzy, happy, and sometimes kind of sappy mother of five cute kids. There is always something comforting about an incredibly American mom’s life that seems so well-planned and perfect, like the idea that she and her family will always be happy and sunny. This is what makes a lot of people with a lot of power sometimes hard to deal with. But Masseya is more of an inspiration and role model to many moms than a show-off, even though her posts are always perfect. This is because she is real and stays calm in the middle of a busy day.

Amber Massey has all the interesting details about her life. Amber Massey makes sure to keep her audience up to date with everything from healthy recipes to gift lists to blog posts about her kids and daily life.

She started this blog to share her story with other moms. These moms might be parents of twins looking for help or advice, or they might be newlyweds trying to figure out what to make for dinner, when the baby will sleep, and what is “normal” for a family.

Masseya is a well-known name for Amber. This young mom blogs about her kids’ experiences, physical stats, and other things she thinks might help other moms find balance and a sense of “normal,” even though there is no one right way to raise children. One thing to keep in mind when looking for the most up-to-date information is that TheMasseySpot is not as up-to-date as Amber’s Instagram page, @masseya, which has over 951 thousand followers. Be sure to check out her main page as well to learn more about her. Amber also posts about her life on Facebook, where she has more than 9.5 thousand followers. Amber Massey is the name of her account.

Jordan Massey (@masseyjordan), who works as a firefighter and loves Amber Massey, is her husband. Massey’s honest post about the two of them going to couple’s therapy shows that they are the foundation of a healthy relationship that is growing. This gives her audience a sense of her being real and human, which definitely doesn’t go unnoticed in a world of thousands of posed and perfect posts. These kinds of posts are what really make an influencer likeable and help them connect with their audience. Even so, Amber Massey shows a very “put-together” side of herself on social media. If you look at Masseya’s “daily routine” blog post, you can see how busy her days are. She goes to the gym at 4:30 AM and takes care of her kids all day until they go to sleep. I can’t imagine how someone could do all of that and also update their social media pages frequently with beautiful content.

But now for a quick rundown of her kids, which is, of course, the main topic of all of Amber’s posts: Jolie and Parker, who are around 10 years old and very cute, are twins. Before Amber and Jordan Massey had their two beautiful daughters, they struggled for 4 years with not being able to have children. Then, to their surprise, they had not one but two happy children. Baker Bree came along two years later, followed by Brady two years after that, and then Baylor, the fifth baby B.

Amber Massey has been blogging since she got married. Before that, she worked as a registered dietician for ten years. After that, she became a mom. Blogging has been a fun way for her to remember the good times she has had with her family and to show how she lives and what she does every day. Amber’s blog, The Masseya Spot, started out as a personal project, but soon she was able to find sponsors like Walmart, food brands, Tula sunscreen, and many more. This made it possible for her to be a successful stay-at-home business mom.

How Tall, How Heavy, and How Much Does Amber Massey Weigh?

Amber Massey is 5 feet and 6 inches tall (1.68 m). However, the exact numbers that show how big Amber is are not known. Amber is very pretty. She has dark brown eyes and light brown hair that look great together. She is also thin and has a body with curves. However, the exact numbers that show how big Amber is are not known.

The Boyfriend, Marriage, and Relationship of Amber Massey

Amber is an amazing person. Her fans like her because she is always happy. People love how she has embraced life and shown it in a beautiful way through her writing. Not only that, but her fans are also interested in her private life. They want to know about her private life. Amber is already married, so her relationship is not the only important thing in her life. Jordan Massey is the name of her partner, who is married to her. He gets paid to fight fires. They have been with each other for over 16 years. They have everything a marriage should have.

The dup has five children in all. Baker Bree and Brandy, who are twins, and their youngest son are Jolie and Parker’s children. The family is a charming example of what a family should be like.

How much money Amber Massey makes and how much she is worth

Advertisers pay Amber a certain amount for each post she makes on her Instagram account, which has more than 906,000 followers.

Taking into account Amber’s 15 most recent posts, 10.08 percent of her followers interact with each one on average. So, the average amount she can expect to earn from sponsorships is between $2,709.75 and $4,516.25.

Amber is talented at blogging, and we all know that she is very good at it. People read her site because she writes about lifestyle, pregnancy, travel, and her own life. She worked hard to earn this title. says that her salary would be $40,201 per year.

Amber Massey’s net worth is thought to be between $700,00 and $800,000 after taking into account all of the ways she has made money over the years, as mentioned above.

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